Company Founder

Feng Fengqin

Ph.D. in Food Engineering (Jiangnan University), Professor and PhD Supervisor in the Department of Food Science and Nutrition at Zhejiang University, Director of the Institute of Food and Bioengineering Technology at Zhejiang University.

Zhejiang Province “151” Talent Program, Second Tier

Hangzhou “131” Talent Program, First Tier

Vice Chairman of the Expert Committee of Zhejiang Food Additives Association

Director of Zhejiang Food Society

Director of Zhejiang Bioengineering Society

Director of Zhejiang Food Additives and Ingredients Association

Has led over 30 projects including National Science and Technology Support Program, 863 Program, National Natural Science Foundation, and major projects in Zhejiang Province

Published over 200 papers and holds 25 authorized patents.