Casein hydrolysate (food ingredient)

PRODUCTS > Casein hydrolysate > Casein hydrolysate (food ingredient)

Casein hydrolysate (food ingredient)

Casein hydrolysate is produced from milk or casein products through enzymatic hydrolysis using proteases, followed by a series of refining processes.

Product Photograph:

Product Features: 

1.High hydrolysis degree (≥25%) 

2.Pleasant flavor and texture 

3.Low effective dosage 


Suitable for sleep aid foods ,Low allergen formula foods


       [1] Saint-Hilaire Z D , Messaoudi M , Desor D , et al. Effects of a Bovine Alpha S1-Casein Tryptic Hydrolysate (CTH) on SleepDisorder in Japanese General Population[J]. The Open Sleep Journal, 2009, 2(1):26-32.
